Saturday, October 23, 2010

[me2day] DARA: CL-roo is country-like

와쌉?!? 우리 숙소 이사간날밤 멤바들이랑 가구 사러갔다가 찰칵! ^.^ 새숙소는 어떤지! 네명의 멤바들이 어떡게 나뉘어 살게될지? 내가 봄주인의 작은방에 잠시 세들어살게된 이유는? ㅋ 다 투애니원 티비로 확인할수있어용! 아우~ 이사는 역시 힘드뤄어~!ㅋㅋㅋ

Whassup?!? On the second night since moving into this apartment, I went to go buy furniture with the members and snapped this shot! ^.^ How's our new apartment look like! How will we split it upon us four members? What's the reason I'm renting out space in Bom's small room? Ke Please find out on 2NE1TV! Wao~ As expected, moving is tough~! Ke ke ke

오늘 초큼 우울해보이는 씨에루…ㅠㅠ 씨에루의 기분이 좋아지려면 어떡게 해야될까요?!? 우린 지금 ktx 타고 구미로 이동중~!ㅋ 씨에루는 쿠키를 냠냠! 아가린 ktx 첨타봣다고 촌스럽다고 내가 놀렷어요!!!ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Today CLroo looks a little gloomy...ㅠㅠ How should I get CLroo to feel better?!? We're on the ktx right now, on the way to Gumi~!Ke CLroo is munching on a cookie! Babylin said it's her first time riding the ktx, so I teased her about how country-like she is!!! ke ke ke ke ke ke ke ke ke ke ke

Translation by fly like a GEE-6

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